Workout of the Day

Another bro-sesh Thursday!

A. 1RM bench press with pause.

B. 3x max band resisted press ups.

C. 3x 5 weighted pullups.

D. 3x 10 bent over row.

E. 3x 20 straight arm lat pulldown.

Optional: 2000m row for time.

Tonight there is weightlifting with Colette.  This class is just £3, made payable to Colette, you do not need to be a member of CFG to attend and it is aimed towards people of all ability levels.

Saturday there is no weightlifting.

Saturday is CrossFit Kids.  If you want to sign up you children please send us an email to

Sunday there is a flexibility class with Khi, Khi has been studying/practicing martial arts and yoga for decades.  His hour long class starts at 10:00 and is looking to improve range of motion and drawing attention to areas that are possibly affecting performance.  £4 per person.  You do not need to be a member of CFG to attend.