In groups:

Max reps at each station of:

thrusters 40/25

kb swings

burpee box jumps 24/20″

kcal row

The time you have at each station is determined by the time it takes the 5th group/person to complete 2 laps of the block.

Rest 1min between stations.

Record total reps/kcals achieved on each round.

You get one chance to score as highly as possible at each station.

This week we have Olympic Lifting on Tuesday night at 19.15.  this class is open to everyone which means you do not need to be a member of CrossFit Glasgow in order to attend.

This weekend is the Fundamentals.  If you have any friends that are hoping to join CFG then they must either attend a Fundies weekend or work one-to-one with a coach so if you know anyone that’s interested then now is the perfect time to get them booked in!

CFG will be hosting a CrossFit Strongman seminar with Rob Orlando in August.  This is one of the best CF seminars and will teach you how to loft all the strongman equipment we keep at CrossFit Glasgow.  Rob is a competitive strongman himself and the course is geared towards members as well as coaches.  You do not need to have completed your CrossFit Level 1 to attend nor do you need to be ‘strong’ as you will be taught everything from a weight that is suitable for you and learn how to progress from there.  Get involved as it won’t be back for at least a year!  To sign up pelase click this link
