Workout of the Day

A. 30s on / 60s off

Handstand hold – use wall or free standing


Max push-ups

3 rounds.

B. For time:

100 double unders

50 wallballs

25 pull-ups

– 7min time cap


There is no 08.15 class any more due to lack of demand.

This weekend is the Fundamentals.  If you have a friend that wishes to join the CFG family then have them get in touch with us ASAP.  Spaces are limited.

At the end of this month we have Rob Orlando himself visiting CFG to run a social night and a Strongman seminar.  This is a great opportunity to meet the legend himself and learn from one of the best CrossFit has to offer.  We will be programming more strongman after his visit so get involved!  Links can be found here

Tuesday night – 19.15 – we have Olympic lifting on in place of the WOD.  This will cost just £3 and is taught by Colette Will.  Class lasts an hour and is open to people of all ages and experience levels.