Workout of the Day

A. Speed bench rotations with variable grip positions at 45% of 1RM vs doubled micro mini “orange” bands (1RM less than 100kg) or mini “red” bands

B. 8 rep top set close grip bench

C. 4x 10 Ring dips

D. 100x Seated leg raises



Back to normal. Thank you for your understanding: we are the only gym in Scotland to host CrossFit HQ seminars. It is a great honour offered to very few gyms and the knowledge that we are able to gain from these weekends is absolutely unrivalled in value.

Kids, Weightlifting and Girls WOD will all be back on this week.

Christmas Night Out

The CFG Christmas Night Out will be held at Blackfriars on the 16th December. The gym will close a little early (nobody will be there obvy) and we will convene for merriment at around 20.00. Tickets will go on sale shortly.