Workout of the Day

CrossFit Total

1RM strict press

1RM back squat

1RM deadlift

Tuesday night there is no 19.15 WOD, instead Olympic Lifting will be on.  £3 per person.

Wednesday night we will be having a Halloween WOD!  Costumes are mandatory and we will open the gym from 18.00 and the WOD will begin around 18.30.  The gym will be closed after the lunchtime WODs until 18.00.  Feel free to bring some food and drink to share with others and bear in mind some people are on the Paleo Challenge!

Thursday there is no 19.15 class, mobility is on instead and this is open to anyone.  You do not need to be a member of CFG to attend.  £3 per head.

Thursday will also be the bleep test and Friday will be Fran.  Please book in with a coach asap for your half way mark measurements if you are taking part in the Paleo Challenge!