Workout of the Day

A. 1RM Back Squat

B. 3x 6 Anderson front squats
C. In Pairs:
1st partner 3RFT

15 Thrusters
12 Burpees

2nd partner 3RFT
15 Thrusters
12 Burpees

Record total time to completion for the pair

We did this workout over the weekend. It was honking.

Scottish Indoor Rowing Championships

Row Team

Our lads did us all proud by snatching gold at the Scottish Indoor Rowing Championships this weekend. With only one second in it, Team CFG emerged victorious. Once again, Competitor Cell members demonstrating the practical application of CrossFit across all domains through capacity in more specialised disciplines. Legends.

Strength In Depth and The FFD Throwdown

This coming weekend CFG is sending a total of 18 members of the Competitor Cell out to major competitions. Twelve athletes are heading to SiD in Bath on Friday to represent Team CFG in a massive 40 team competiotion featuring the Likes of Sam Briggs, Kirsten Holte, Stephen Fawcett, Mads and Jennie Jacobsen, Jordan Wallace, Rob Lawson and the legendary Karl Steadman. Another 4 are heading over to Dundee to represent Team CFG at the FFD Throwdown; competing against some of the finest athletes that our country has to offer. Another two are heading down to the Glacier Games comp too. Wish them all good luck.
