Workout of the Day

In pairs, for time:

block run

25 kcal row

20 heavy wallballs

15 burpee box jumps

40/30 thrusters

Whilst one works the other does a zercher hold.

This week we have both archways open.  The second will operate as a facility for open gym for the next few weeks until Gavin has returned from holiday.  Please keep it tidy.

Tuesday 19.15 there is no WOD, Olympic Lifting with Colette Will is on instead.

Thursday 19.15 there is no WOD, mobility with Jonny Kilpatrick is on instead.

This weekend there is no CrossFit Kids but Girls WOD will be on as normal.

Augusy 30th CFG is hosting a CrossFit Strongman Seminar with Rob Orlando himself.  This is a brilliant and cost effective method of learning all the main lifts utilised in strongman events.  Logs, stones, kegs, farmers, yokes, tyre flips are all included and much more.  Find a review below:

Rob and his coaches we’re brilliant, the practical teaching, mixed in with small discussions and some great humour was brilliant.
As one of only two females on the course, I never felt out of place nor individualised.
I have been on many male dominant courses before where instructors have often said ladies start here when working through certain movements and weights and have received a more ‘delicate’ approach.
Rob and the coaches never did anything like this, the objects we’re laid out and you could choose where you started I was treated exactly the same as the 6ft 5 bearded man which I loved!
The range of equipment was inclusive to all needs.
Thank you for a great day!
Cara Mifflin

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