Workout of the Day

A. 3RM back squat

B. Fran

For time:

21-15-9 reps

thrusters 43/30kg


Tuesday and Thursday at 19:30 there is a weightlifting class with Colette.  This class runs in place of the 19:15 WOD on Tuesday and alongside the 19:15 WOD on Thursday.  It also runs on a Saturday at 10:00.  It costs just £3 to attend and you do not need to be a member of CFG to attend.

Saturday at 11:15 there is a Girls only WOD and CrossFit Kids.  To book your kids in please send an email to:

Sunday at 10:00 is Khi’s flexibility class, for just £4 this class will best prepare you for a tough week’s training ahead.  You do not need to be a member to attend so share the pain!

As most of you are aware, Steph Dekker, CrossFit Glasgow athlete and coach represented at the CrossFit Games Meridian Regional and performed outstandingly well coming 13th, an all-time best performance in what is probably one of the toughest regions.  Congratulations Steph!