Workout of the Day

On an 8-minute running clock, perform 1 minute each of:
Air Squats
20-inch box jumps
Inverted burpees
Wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball

Accumulate a total score for all movements.

Here is Greg Glassman “Coach” giving a bit of a brief on the WOD


Weightlifting with Colette is on this Tuesday and Thursday at 19.30

Kids is back this weekend at 11.15

Girls WOD will be on at the same time as the Kids WOD with Level 1 Trainer Jen Berg

Flexibility with Khi (pronounced Kai) is on this Sunday at 10.00 for more Open prep

The next CFG Community Shield event will be on Saturday the 20th February at 13.00. This is a great opportunity for everyone to come together, throwdown with some fun WODs, meet some new buddies from the gym, eat cake, drink beer and generally cause mayhem. Fun for all the family

Reebok CrossFit Games Open 2016

The registration for the 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games is now live. You can get signed up by following this link or listen to me ask you over and over and over and over…

Every year around this time, everyone who is a member at CFG takes part in this massive competition and it has helped to put us on the map as a prominent force in European CrossFit. This year, Reebok have said that if we are the largest team in Europe for the fourth year in a row they will make us exclusive, limited edition, can’t get them anywhere, CFG tee shirts.

At the time of writing we have 65 people registered to the team, making us the largest team in Europe by 26 registered athletes and the second largest in the world, for now – only 148 names to go to beat last year’s numbers.

Next week we will face the third of last year’s Open events as a WOD so that you can compare your skills and capacity to last year or just get a feel for how the main event will be.

Get. Involved.