A. 10-8-6-4-2

Strict pull ups

Strict HSPU

B. 7 Rounds for time:

7 box jump burpees 30/24

5 thruster 60/40

Hope you all enjoyed the 2012 CrossFit Games this weekend!  This week, Tuesday: 8pm is Olympic Lifting.  This class is available for members and non-members for a small fee.  Come in and learn from some top British weightlifters first hand and brush up on your lifts.

Saturday is girls WOD and Sunday is team WOD.  There is no mobility planned for this week.

On Saturday 28th we will have a special guest at CFG, Sam Briggs will be visiting and offering some advice and training.  This is a great opportunity for all to meet one of the fittest female athletes in the world so make sure you get in touch and get booked in via one of our staff members!