Workout of the Day



CrossFit Kids and Weightlifting are on as normal this week. Girls WOD will be on this Saturday at the same time as Kids.

CFG Team Classic

Workout 2 has been released: You can complete the workout any time between now and Monday evening provided that you have a buddy to judge you. Scorecards can be found here

Friday Night (And Morning) Lights 

We’ll have some exciting head to head competition today with Ben Farrell, John Fitzpatrick and Greg Mcclure representing for their teams at 06.30ish and Sarah Allan, Fraser Middleton and Steph Campbell throwing down at 18.30ish.

Tee Shirts

Tee shirt designs have been finalised and we have a sweet spreadsheet for taking orders. Place your order at the desk

Important Dates

Open WODs:

WOD 1: Closed

WOD 2: Open now

WOD 3: Monday 19th September 2016

WOD 4: Monday 26th September 2016

Absolute Deadline for Open Score Submission: Monday 3rd October 2016

Finals: Saturday 15th October 2016
