‘Fight Gone Bad’

60s wallballs

60s kb swings

60s box jumps

60s push press

60s calorie row

60s rest

3 rounds.  Post total reps to score.

CrossFit Glasgow continues to grow and evolve.  We have recently had new showers installed, by next week you will see a new and improved, one of a kind, pull up rig.  Not to mention some new equipment being utilised in the programming.  We continue to re-invest to make CFG the best training experience in the UK!  Please treat all new facilities and equipment with the respect it deserves and any problems, just let a coach know so we can fix it!

Back in stock – Speed ropes!

Soon to arrive – PurePharma

This Saturday we are having our ‘End of the Open’ social night out.  An area has been booked at Waxy’s from 6pm under CrossFit Glasgow, come down and get your drink on!