Workout of the Day

Paired/team AMRAPS.  One works on each station and you alternate when the set reps are completed.  Keep a score of the ‘max reps’

A. 9min AMRAP

10 burpees

max kcal row

B. 9min AMRAP


10 deadlift

max box jump overs

Thursday 18.15 there is a flexibility class with Khi.  The WOD will also run at this time.

Thursday 19.15 there is olympic lifting, this class costs just £3 to attend.  The WOD will also run at this time.

Friday will be 15.4.  Come in, check the warm-up, get your name down into a heat, support those you watch and help judge.  It’s the second last week, let’s keep up the momentum!

Saturday 10.00 – there will be no weightlifting class as Colette will be competing at the Scottish Open!  11.15 there will be CrossFit Kids and Girls WOD as normal.  Girls WOD will cover 15.4.

Craig Lowe with his new bike and bike lock!

Craig Lowe with his new bike and bike lock!